T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
TEKİRDAĞ / SÜLEYMANPAŞA - Tekirdağ Rehberlik ve Araştırma Merkezi

Tekirdağ Guidance and Research Center

   Tekirdağ Guidance and Research Center is a government institution under the Ministry of National Education.



         We identify the abilities and the needs of the people regardless of their age. Our special education teachers make individualized educational programs for the students who are examined in our institution to support their educational, cultural and social needs.


         Also we're responsible for the school counselors' development of practical skills in our district. Our target population is people with special needs, their parents and also the teachers. For this population, we organize different seminars, group works and etc. with the specialists.


More specifically our job areas are as follows:


  • We make different ability and intelligence tests to identify people with special needs,
  • We make structured group guidance sessions for parents of children with special needs, and also give informations about the rights of those individuals and parents,
  • We make seminars to school psychological counselors
  • We monitor the children who have education under the inclusion model in schools and guide teachers of those students,
  • We make school visits for classes giving special education to children with special needs and also make consultation with those students' teachers,
  • We prepare reports for children with special needs in order to make them to take advantage of resource rooms,
  • We apply projects like National Agency, National Development Agency, Ministry of Youth and Sports, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey and etc.
  • We support students and their parents by making vocational and educational guidance,
  • We prepare leaflets related with introducing our institution, vocational issues, rights of the people with special needs and etc.




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Yayın: 30.03.2017 - Güncelleme: 04.10.2024 19:39 - Görüntülenme: 3246
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